Friday, September 23, 2005

Getting Serious and the big D

My blog is know for getting to serious, but things at home are getting serious. E my wife suffers from the Depression, hence the big D. A year ago I talked her into going to the doctors to get something done about it, anti-depressants were subscribed and counseling was attended and things seem to be going well.
End of last week E comes down with a thud and she started the blackest of moods, the worst I have ever seen her. Went to the docs and he told her the anti-depressants had stopped working, new ones prescribed. E has stopped taking the meds, she's having withdrawals from the previous meds the doc told her to stop taking and wont take the new ones.
The kids have no idea why their Mum is crying, screaming, shouting and lashing out, I'm lost as to what to do apart from hang in there until the cloud lifts and then try and pick up the pieces.
I understand what is happening and know that she can't help it, but sometimes I just feel like shouting 'For Fuck sake, you only get one life and you should just get on with it.'

Thanks for listening, I feel better now I've written things down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is she now?

6:20 pm  

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