Monday, March 15, 2010


It's been three years.


I'm on a roll, two posts in one day, I must have a lot to get of my chest. i have been with the OU a few years now, slogging away at my studies, and it saddens me that more and more of the content of courses is online, i'm not a technophobe, far from it I think the net and the information available on it is empowering to anyone that has access, and the people of the world who don't have that freedom of information are at a huge disadvantage.
But you know sometimes I just like my words printed on a decent piece of paper, so I can just hold it in my hands and read it, like most of the materials were, when I first started at the OU.


I've been on a Facebook for about a week now, mainly because everyone and their granny now have Facebook account. The secret to Facebook is that it is generally deadly dull, You have games that are repetitive and brain numbing just to keep you on the site and posting your little updates 24 hours a day. The site was so congested I had to switch to Google Chrome just to get anything on the screen,its a nightmare.
Unfortunately it seems to be the only way I can keep track of what family is up to, is this what the future will hold?
We will all get home, shut our doors and live our lives through a computer monitor.
Will I be on it tomorrow, probably. You never know what someone might post tomorrow.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Today would have been my brothers birthday, he would have been 37. One year younger then me. Strange as it may seem, I never really talk about him to anyone, you see he died along time ago now and really the only person that I do see that remembers him is my Mum.
This past year has been strange as he has come into my thoughts more often then he has ever, done in the past. I'm not sure why, maybe it's to do with getting older and my last remaining Grandparent dieing just over a year ago, I don't know.
I often wondered what sort of man he would have been, would he have had a family and what he would have done with his life, and the saddest thing is, that me and my family will never know.
Anyway this target is in memory of my brother, and a reminder that he is never forgotten by anyone that knew him.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Originally uploaded by sstrum.


Originally uploaded by sstrum.
Here is the newest edition to the house, the mad dog biscuit chasing cat. This mad cat has a habit of picking dog biscuits out of the bowl and then chasing them all over the kitchen floor.
Strange indeed.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Keep The Faith

BBC - Stoke Staffordshire - Radio Stoke - Mary Fox - Northern Soul Show

Found this while surfing the other night just before Christmas, and its a blinding show for anyonw who loves their Northern Soul and Motown. So if you were a bit like me and thought that interest in Northern Soul was was all but dead and kept alive by a few die hards, give this show a listen. It actually seems alive and thriving, so as they say Keep The Faith.

This is also my first post using Performance as well, which is a nifty little add on for Firefox and seems to be making posting on the blog a little easier. Which is always welcome.

powered by performancing firefox

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Blogs all topsy-turvy

After returning to my blog and blogging, I'm taking at closer look at my page and thinking that it's not all it's cracked to be. The look of the whole thing could definitely do with a tweak or two, or to be complete honest its a bit crap.
Since blogger has switched, it seems to have become twice as difficult to edit their templates, and I have found things like my counter have disappeared, not that I had many visitors, but that's not the point.
So expect some change over the next month or so, if your lucky and I get the chance, time to brush up on the old html again, ho hum.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Family and Friends

Is there a bigger can of worms then family.
Ive been thinking a lot about family just lately, I don't know why, probably the ear bending I get of my Mum about my younger brother, and also the relationship between the two kids left in the house now, and my own family dynamic. Sometimes I just don't think that I've got the balance right between things that need to be done and making time for family and friends, in fact I know I don't, which is wrong.
But there always seems to be something else that needs to be done.
Yet I know that when I die there will still be things that are needing to be done. Perhaps I should try and get my priorities in order, and not worry so much about that list of things that needs to be done.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Still here

I am still here and will post soon, just got a bit out of the habit while I was doing the ou exams, and to be honest I've just gotten a bit lazy.