Saturday, February 26, 2005

Music Snob

What is it with me and music, I have always been the same. I'm such a music snob at times. Yesterday I showed E how to use Ares the P2P software. She then began to download music, which I wanted her to do, use the PC for something more then a few games of four in a row.
Then I looked in horror at what she was downloading, Carpenters, Manilow, need I go on.

Why do I get so upset about it, she doesn't make me listen to it, its just the thought of it on the computer. So I have come to the conclusion that I am a music snob and to be honest I dont think I'll ever change.
I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Go on have a flashback

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Complexification | Gallery of Computation

Complexification | Gallery of Computation

Just found this and its strangely rather beautiful.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Arts | Hunter S Thompson commits suicide

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Arts | Hunter S Thompson commits suicide
I have just seen this on the BBC site and thought it worth a mention. I loved this mans books and would especially recommend Hells Angels. He was a man that just wrote and just seemed to lived his life without compromise.
Do you self a favour go and read one of his books.

Monday, February 21, 2005


My first Essay is due this week for one of my OU courses, A221 if your interested. I always leave it to the last minute, its terribly lazy but its the only way I seem to be able to get my ideas together. I must just love that pressure I pile on myself. I am a sick puppy lol.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

cool pressies

ip shoes, originally uploaded by sstrum.

Look what E has bought me for pressies. Im as happy as a pig in shit. The thought of putting those CD's in the IPod have me grinning from ear to ear.
I'm not that cool but maybe with these I might be just a little. :0)

Thursday, February 17, 2005

'Guns in bars' bill back for 2nd shot

'Guns in bars' bill back for 2nd shot

I couldn't believe what I was reading, what are they thinking.

Checking In

It seems like an age since I've written anything, have I had anything to write about?
Sure I have, but some of it is to personal to write down here, and thats just a fact of life. The uni work seems to be going really well, its taken a while to get the hang of how the Latin course works but I think I'm getting the hang of it. And that is what you call famous last words.

The laptop is working really well, with no problems so far, but my rather dubious typing skills are taking a bit of a downturn as I struggle to get used to the small keyboard. But thats just a minor irritation.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Its here

The laptop finally arrived today, despite what the women said on Friday, it looks like Mesh did send it on the Thursday as promised.
Its a nice bit of kit and I can now blog from my bed which has got to be a plus point.

I've sort of started my OU courses for this year, but as normal I'm already a little bit behind. So I'm perpetually playing catch up all the time. I must try and be more organised, because I know as things get more difficult, I need to have my thoughts in order.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Up and Down

Broadband has finally arrived to our sleepy village, I'm now on the Super Highway and all I can say is it's about time. Its a shame that a proposed wireless system is the only reason BT got there asses into gear and enabled the exchange. Oh well its here now.

Guess what the Laptop didn't arrive, there's a big suprise, apparently there's a delay of a week, but the woman I spoke to seemed very vague about how long the delay was going to be, or why it was delayed.
There is something to say about PC World, at least you can walk in and then walk out with what you want most of the time.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Things are getting better

The children are taking the loss of Pip much better then we thought, they really are more resilient then you think. E's taken the loss very badly, but it takes time to get over losing a friend like that. And thanks Rad for the kind words.
Laptop is supposed to be here on Friday and I hope its delivered as promised.
The Broadband is also supposed to be enabled on that day, but the asdl moden still hasn't arrived, but hopefully soon.
So I might just actually get to experience the Superhighway on Friday instead of the B-road of dial-up.