Saturday, October 22, 2005

Fell #1

This is a page from the Image comic Fell, first 2 issues out already and if I do say so, its very good. Each issue us self contained so no big story line to follow.


Pets we have lost, originally uploaded by sstrum.

Today I had our cat put to sleep, she was 18 years old, and her hyper-thyroid and old age had caught up with her.
I knew it was coming but still its upsetting, and to make it worse I even looked for her tonight, even though I knew she had gone.
This year we have lost three pets, and it has been heart breaking for me and Emma. But we wouldn't have been without them, from the biggest to the smallest.

So Pippa, Beano and Tibby, Thankyou.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Settling down

Things at home are finally starting to settle down again, E has been prescribed Prozac and it seems to be starting to work. Though she still cant sleep and seems to me to be relying more and more on sleeping tablets.
I just cant help feeling that it just a temporary lull until it all kicks of again, I just wished that what ever the underlying cause was dealt with and brought out into the open.
Tackle it head on, if you know what I mean.

Had my first exam on Wednesday and I think it went ok, at least I knew what the questioned were all about. Which is always a good start, I feel. The tricky one is the Latin next Tuesday, which I'm less then confident about.

And above all, now starting to miss the PC now that summer is over and those long dreary nights of winter are fast approaching. What am I going to do?