Monday, May 23, 2005

Star Wars

Been to see the last installment of Star Wars at the pictures, went last Thursday but only just got on to PC, due to Latin assignment due.
It was good, much, much better then the previous two and set up the next/old segment in the story nicely.
I'm not a fanatic about the films, but they have to be given credit for being one of the longest, successful sci-fi series ever, they're never going to win Oscars but they make a shit load of money.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Laptop back sort of

The laptop is back, sort of. It suddenly arrived on the doorstep today, no warning, it just turned up.
But its a brand spanky new one, fresh in its sticky cellophane. I'm back blogging from home, and the remote blogging is at an end for a good while I hope.
Lets hope this one lasts a bit longer then the previous one.

Back and happy about it.

Friday, May 13, 2005

For Rad

Just been on Karma's Drum via the public libary and this message came up on his page:

Access Denied
The requested document,, will not be shown. Reason: DDR score = 52. This page will not be displayed because it contains prohibited words or it has exceeded its tolerance of questionable words.
If you feel that this page has been blocked in error or you require access to this page, please click here to see whom you should contact.

It made me laugh, and I know he'll be dead proud of the fact that he's being censored by the public libary system.

Well Done mate.

Remote Blogging

I have been forced to leave the safety of the house to continue my blog. I am now blogging via the local libary, and its a bit of a weird feeling, its like venting your spleen in public.
As you can gather the laptop has yet to turn up, and am expecting a phone call from the manager today, so I'm preparing myself for some more bullshit spouted by someone on the end of a phone.

On a better note, just under a week before I get to go and see Revenge of the Sith, really looking forward to it, and as always I have high hopes for how good the film is going to be, ROTJ revisited not (in my best Yoda impression).

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mesh saga cont.

Mesh continued, rang to day and they are sending someone to get the laptop tomorrow. They seem to think that its an over heating graphics chip. It might well be, they say that the heatsink probably got dis-lodged in transit.

Any way they are putting it through as a priority, lets just wait and see if their priority matches what I expect, they said one week. We shall wait and see.

On a lighter note, its election time again, so please go and vote, even if you just scrawl all over your ballot paper. At least you made the effort. Some people can't even do that.

Monday, May 02, 2005

More Technology Problems

Not only is the laptop graphics all funky and crap, but now the iPod has decided to self destruct.
Software in, iPod plugged in and bang itunes cant see it. Computer doesnt see it as an iPod, just as a removable drive that needs formatting. Oh shit days worth of songs going to disappear.
Uninstalled the software and re-installed again still no different.
Bit the bullet and re-formatted and guess what no difference.

Me and technology just dont seem to be getting along.