Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mesh repair centre

Finally got back on line after Mesh had the laptop for a month. I'll explain, this could be long:

About a month ago the DVD/CD-RW went up the shute, so a quick phone call and the bloke at the service center said repair turnaround of about 5 days. We thought no problem, theres's plenty to do outside, so shouldn't be to traumatic.

2 weeks later hadn't heard anything, so after several phone calls, someone rings up and tells me the DVD drive is in and being tested, should be with me by the end of the week. No laptop at the end of the week so have to wait till next Monday before ringing them. Can you believe it, a major company that doesn't have a customer service over the weekend, a major pain in the ass when you want to complain to someone.

Finally get through to someone, and low and behold, Mesh dont even fix the laptops, they send them away to Rock. Mesh has no idea whats going on, and depending on who you talk to they haven't even got a phone number, all their business is done through e-mail. All I can say to that is bull-shit!!!

Third week rolls buy, and I'm starting to wonder if it will ever come back, then someone from Rock rings and leaves a message on the phone that they have changed the motherboard, re-installed XP but haven't even looked at the DVD drive that it was sent away for in the first place. What the hell.

4th week arrives, as does the laptop, Winsock wasn't loaded properly so another phone call to technical support to get that sorted, and I still have funny bars before me arrow and icons on the desktop. So looks like there might be some sort of graphics problem.
All I can say about Mesh at the moment is that their after- sales care is shit, dont tell me you cant find out about my laptop over the phone, cause your lying. Get of your arse and make an effort for your customers, it the least you can do.
Dont tell me 5 working days when you dont even have a clue how long its going to be, that just pisses people of more.
My experience had been nothing but a nightmare, and I dread ringing them about the graphics problem, they'll end up having the computer for more time then I will, and I paid for it.

At the moment Mesh is a dirty word in this house, I wouldn't recommend them if you paid me at this moment in time. Bastards.