Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Cats, Cruelty and the RSPCA

Over the past few days I've been feeding a Persian cat that belongs to one of the neighbours. These particular neighbours have been on holiday for 2 weeks. This cat was covered in fleas and flea dirt and has hardly any hair, and you can see all its ribs, hips and spine. This cat was in a condition that doesn't happen over a few weeks, this is months of neglect.
I rang the RSPCA about this and the other cat inside the house, after repeated phone calls, and inspector came out yesterday and today to see the cat, unfortunately for the cat my lovely(sarcasm here) neighbours got back today.
They got a warning to get the cat treated or it would be taken away and treated by the RSPCA, in my opinion these so called animal lovers don't deserve the second chance, this sort of thing don't happen over night, I did what I could, fed him, brushed and treated him for his fleas. He's a great cat and would make someone really happy. We would have took him in if it wasn't for the dogs, now I am suppose to stop feeding him so he goes back to the hell he came from.
I just wished I had put him in a carrier when I saw him and took him to someone that would have given him the care he deserves, I'll know another time.


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