Thursday, May 25, 2006


Over the past few days I have been thrown into a bit of a loop by my new neighbor. I like to consider myself a good neighbour, we take the odd parcel in and generally keep ourselves to ourselves.
But last night my neighbour came out and complained to me about the noise of a film we were watching earlier, and showed the worse side of village life in Norfolk.
I like my cinema surround on when watching a dvd, an we were watching Walk The Line (the Johnny Cash Biopic) between 6 and 8, it finished I went outside and fed the ferrets, he came out and complained about the noise, reckon he had to turn his TV up, I said fair enough, why didn't he come round and say something. Then he started a rant, said he wasn't having this, he was going to ring the council, I said you do that then, and then he started on new people moving in to the village and doing what they want. I wouldn't have minded, but it was 8 o'clock in the evening, not late by most peoples standards, I would have understood if they had young children, but they don't.
Well I will do what I want, within reason, its my house. new people move into areas all the time, so why do long standing residents feel like they have some sort of power to keep the status quo, communities change especially when new families move into the area.