Thursday, June 29, 2006


Well got the car back today, and things aren't half as bad as predicted, we are only £130 lighter for having the MOT done. Which is a relief as money has been a little tight since we moved.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


It's that time of the year again, the one I dread. It's were I find out how much the car is going to cost me. An arm or a leg or most probably both.
It's already booked in to have the rear shock absorbers done, which is a very nice £230, before we get to the juicy bits of the test. I am expecting to be very poor after tomorrow.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Stupid Mistake

It seems like I have made a stupid mistake moving into this village, what I thought was a dream move for us, has proved to be a nightmare. Yesterday, me and E were doing some painting in the house, I had the stereo on for a bit of music while you work, something my neighbour obviously has a problem with, because yesterday he came round for a slanging match. I wouldn't mind if it was just him we were dealing with, but he seems intent in dragging the whole neighbourhood in with him.
If I had it loud, I would readily admit to it, but you have to accept some noise from your neighbours, and most people accept this and get on with their lives. But not my neighbour, I can just see it, every bit of noise and he is going to complain.
We have let the Housing Association know, and they are going to write to him and tell him to stop harassing us, but now I just feel like I no longer want to live here, so we are looking for a swap, so we can get out of here.
This isn't want I wanted in our new home at all.