Monday, December 19, 2005

Exam/Course results

Finally got my Open University course results for this year, and its official my worst year yet. I failed the Latin which I expected, but still a dissapointment, they have given me the chance of a resit but I'm not sure whether I want to take it. I suppose it depends on when its going to be. The other course I only managed a grade 3 pass, so in conclusion not one of my better years.
Whats worse is that I have to finish my degree in two years or my finnancial support stops, Im really paying for that year that I dropped out of half way through.
If your a bit lazy like me and you have a family, the Open University can sometimes be impossible difficult. So bare it in mind if you ever think about this route to get a degree. Having said that, I wouldn't dream of stopping now, so roll on next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stick with it mate. Must try harder! ;)

10:19 am  

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